The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires. - William Arthur Ward
So, today is the tomorrow that was yesterday. Mr. Ward's quote is thought provoking and will be THE watchword to remember going forward. Even though school is out, I know for today I have a lesson plan to develop for Monday, so that is priority #1. I will return to school to use their library. Won't they be surprised.
It is also a free day and really the first free day in 4 and a half weeks. I have some things in mind to keep me busy. I will do laundry ( yes, even that must get done ) first thing this morning in Vinohrady, Prague 2, then do some poking around in some shops in Novy Smichov, Prague 5 and there is this bookshop I want to find; The Globe. I am not sure where that is, but it will be fun to locate it. Like most days, today will expand and fill completely. +41 v Praze.
Hummm, not sure what happen to the font size, I didn't touch anything to make it change... but it is way too small this morning
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