This is the Czech version of scratch off lottery.... you purchase these and other types of lottery tickets at the Post Office and perhaps at other places, I am not sure about that as yet. So I bought three for about 50kr or 60 kr... and then opening this one.... I won.. 50 kr. Enough for about one cup of coffee, which is excellent. BUT, you see the 3 circles under the tab.... you are only supposed to scratch off ONE of them.... I couldn't understand the directions and scratched off two and almost the third.... thereby making this winning ticket NULL and VOID. Luckily it was not
a Big winner. Yesterday I went to the Post Office again to mail something and bought one and actually got a 40 kr winning ticket. I know now how to scratch off correctly. ;-) and will keep trying for the big bucks... I mean big Krowns. + 78
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