Saturday, February 19, 2011

Moravský ples v Praze na Smíchově

Již 55. ročník Moravského plesu v Praze uvítá návštěvníky a krojované účastníky v sobotu 19.února 2011 v Národním domě na Smíchově.

I was invited to a Moravian Ball this evening. It was held at the elegant National House in Smichov. February in the Czech Republic is a time of Dances and Balls and Masquerade Balls.

This particular Ball was all about cultural-folk dancing and included many folk dance groups from all around the Czech Republic, especially Moravia. Just showing their different costumes and sharing stories and dance with each other. It was very interesting and entertaining.

Thank you to a friend, Ondrej for giving me a ticket to his world. It was a great experience and I very much appreciated your kind thoughts. ...and thank you as well to his friend, Zita, for such a lovely evening. Cheers.

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