Here in the Czech Republic, a „Z“ sticker affixed to a car’s rear window signifies a new driver, a beginning learner, someone just starting out, or perhaps returning after a hiatus of not driving for awhile, due to not having a need to drive. It strikes fear in the minds of other drivers…( I am just kidding ;-) ) or just advises other motorists of this new driver.
And yes, certainly, even with a “Z” rating, the driver of this red car did/does a fine job driving, even when fully animated, talking, shifting, talking, braking and remembering directions, while driving through the winding back roads of southern Bohemia. It was nice… I do remember it fondly. Ano.
I even got to drive this little red car on 7 February, and my left foot was too big for the clutch; each depression of the clutch also depressed the brake. Ano...Your directions were excellent as we drove to Černy Most ... and yes, next time, I will try not to park at such a terrible angle in the garage parking space... ;-))))) you made me smile on that Saturday. very much! ..and I still do. I enjoyed our drive.
Just please be careful in the fog on these cold mornings. ...and as you go into April be careful in the rain.
And most certainly, if you ever need help negotiating those ramps in the parking garages at the malls… tak zavolej mi, Ja mohu vyjednávat garáž rampy přikladně .. )
..and ano, urcite, I will show you how to use the drive-through car wash as well...
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