Saturday, June 12, 2010

Good Samaritan from America... ??

... today as I was walking in Dobřichovice, I rounded a corner and stopped in some shade. I noticed two little children on bicycles along side the road ahead of me, a main road, standing in front of a pub. They immediately, upon seeing me, walked their bikes toward me.

A little girl with a backpack and a little boy of the same age, also with a brightly colored backpack, both with water bottles. She was clearly frightened, and the only words I understood her say was "pomoc, prosim"; "help please". She had tears in her eyes but was not crying, but had the typical runny nose of the after effects of crying. The boy was silent and stoic. They both sat down in front of me looking bewildered and concerned, not knowing now what to do, since they could tell I was not Czech.

I asked her in Czech if she knew any English. "No". None. They were lost, on this busy road, coming from somewhere and did not know where they were. I went quickly into the pub about 20 yards away, but there was no one in there that even would pay me any mind... Luckily as I came out of the pub, two young guys in the 20's were passing by. I asked them if they knew English. "Yes, a little". I pointed to the children and told them the two little children over there were lost, scared and needed assistance, could they help.

One of the guys asked their names and ages and then he called the police. We all stayed with the kids, but I was in the background. It turned out that both the children were 8 years old. I could not imagine them riding their bikes on the road. I was even afraid of walking along side it.

In about 15 minutes a woman on a bicycle stopped as well. The police arrived shortly there after. At least the children were in good hands as I turned to head towards the railway station. Serendipity. Being in the right place at the right time. I was glad of the timing and never thought that today I might initiate "a rescue".

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