Saturday, September 26, 2009

Unplanned Saturday

The eternal quest of the individual human being is to shatter his loneliness.
- Norman Cousins

Today, I am bit under the weather… caught some gastro bug. Gave me a chance
to slow down, sit outside here in the backyard, and read, and think, watch butterflies flit about and experience the sounds of a Prague residential neighborhood; sounds of people talking, children playing and the light breeze blowing through the trees. It is a beautiful day here and many people are out using and enjoying their backyards.

Although I had to cancel my weekend plans to explore the countryside, still, laying low may be a good thing. On the other hand, I have a strong sense of loneliness today, due to many things I guess; questioning of decisions of this year, a sense of loss, thinking of what the future holds and if & when life will normalize; what ever that means.

Sitting here amidst the trees and the blue sky, has made me know One thing for certain: how much I miss my children. ...And has given me to think about how nice it would be to have the discussions, connections and contact as we once had before I came here last May.

….here are some pictures, showing where I sat on this afternoon, instead of seeing the Castle, Zamek and vinobranni I had envisioned seeing.

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