"whoever wishes to remember must not stay in one place, waiting for the memories to come of their own accord! memories are scattered all over the immense world, and it takes voyaging to find them and make them leave their refuge!" ~ milan kundera
Two years ago today, I arrived in Prague. Today is My 2nd anniversary of being here. Words that I find Amazing to write! Two years!!! None of this is what I ever imagined when I started this journey in May 2008.
Not long ago, I went back to the very first month(1 May 08) of my posts on this blog to remind myself of the early days here in Prague. My words are enlightening to me.
I have gained much by being here and perhaps I have lost things as well. I still have much the same excitement each day, although life and its feeling are different. I am still in awe of my surroundings and what I see each day.
and, still, even now, after 2 years, I covet the conversations I have with my students and Czech friends which provide me even more information about this place called Prague, about living here and about the surrounding countrysides which make up the Czech Republic and their home. I never tire of listening to all their conversations about their lives and their homes and what they enjoy doing.
When I walk the streets of a small town in the Czech Republic, or here in Prague, climb up to some castle gate, the history beneath my feet is striking. It is everywhere, from the 1100's through the Hapsburg Dynasty to the years under communist rule to the changes happening even now.
So it was two years ago on this day, that I began to actually live here, all because of a serendipitous meeting of a Czech woman in an Art Gallery in Rochester and enjoying conversations with her only a handful of times. Just Those few times eventually lead me to this city, first in 2005, and the place in Life I am at this moment. Hard to believe. It has changed my life from many perspectives, from perspectives I never dreamed, some good, perhaps some less perfect. But It still amazes me how a small meeting can change someone's life. I never thought about visiting the Czech Republic before that meeting and now look... you just never know.
Many moments have passed me in these two years, but NOT passed me by.
I hope you have enjoyed and are still enjoying the blog you are now reading...thanks.
as of today, this is my 847th Post . Unreal!
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