Royal town Beroun lies south of Prague, about 25 minutes by train and is situated on the confluence of Berounka and Litavka rivers. It is the gate-way to two protected landscape/conservation areas: Český kras and the Křivoklát region( & about 40 minutes by train to Křivoklát castle). It is town of approx. 18 000 inhabitants and has a nice historic center with a large town square and fountain.
The settlement was first mentioned in writing in 1265. It was an important mercantile path from Prague to Plzeň and then onto Bavory, Germany. The town was famous for its potters in the Medieval Ages.
The second weekend of May, the town holds an annual Pottery Fair. Picture the Clothesline Festival, but with mostly Pottery and Ceramics(and food of course). The town square and adjoining streets were packed with people, tents of all shapes and sizes and crafts-people. Almost too many people to walk; it felt like standing in one perpetual line... but as the day progressed, it thined out as people began to sit and take lunch.
A nice day, beautiful weather, and balloons, and one got away...
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