In the US, the Family Medical Leave Act provides up to 12 weeks(84 days) "disability" leave, where "disability" includes the birth of a child. Although it may not be paid entirely by the Employer or the state, the mother can return to her position if she returns within or at the end of those 12 weeks. She must use her accrued vacation time to "live" on during this time and then take time without pay. If she does not return to work after these 84 days, the employer has the right to replace her which of course means she will lose her job/position.
In the Czech Republic....Within the first six months of their maternity leave, the mother has to decide which type of parental allowance they wish to take. Parents have 3 options and are free to choose between. Keep in mind that the average Czech Salary(2009) is 23,300 crowns($1240.16 USD) per month
1) a two-year parental leave with a monthly contribution of 11,400 crowns($606.77 USD), 2) a three-year parental leave with a monthly contribution of 7,600 crowns ($404.52 USD)or 3) a four-year leave with a monthly contribution of 7,600 which is reduced to 3,800($200 USD) when the child reaches 21 months of age.
In short, the longer time they want to spend at home with their child the less money they get BUT, it seems the Government recognizes the importance of allowing a Mother to mother and bond with her newborn for at least a minimum of 2 years!!
Plus the states gives each mother additional financial support which includes a birth grant of 13,000 crowns($691.94 USD) and here, that is not insignificant, especially given the average monthly income.
Interestingly it turns out that the shorter, two-year leave with the highest installments is the least popular. So far it appears that most mothers prefer to stay at home for three years, even with such a reduced payment.
But still, an Amazing Benefit!
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