Today my kids wanted to spend a day alone... they rented bicycles in Smichov and pedaled 22 miles south of Prague to Karlstejn Castle, following the Vltava and then Berounka rivers in many places. Initially they thought it would just take a couple hours to pedal there and back. But They finally reached Karlstejn after biking for 5 hours! Pedaled through 2 downpours, but saw the Castle; they decided to return to Prague via the train... They were able to see so much of the Czech countryside and towns along the way. A long day but an adventure they can talk about for many years to come..
and me. Well, went to my cafe for awhile, then stopped in a park... you know the rest I am sure. I am on vacation this week.
The blue span pictured above is a bike/hiking bridge over the Berounka river.
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