Thursday, May 13, 2010

Frozen Saints Days

May 12, 13 & 14th (yesterday, today & tomorrow)are referred to as the days of the "frozen Saints" or "frozen brothers" of Pankrác, Servác and Bonifác (in Czech* zmrzlíci, zmrzlí svatí or zmrzlí bratři) when it can get close to freezing in the morning. It is the last reminder of the winter past.

Their relevance to the weather is that in May there are 3 or 4 days(12, 13, 14)which are (according to folk wisdom) always cold - and in fact it is advised that you don't put your crops/plants that could be damaged by frost out until after the last of them has been and gone. These 3 days are the saints days and Czech name days of Pankrác, Servác and Bonifác and when it is cold, these Saints get the blame for it.

The weather forecast has been true to this old tradition at least for today and yesterday and supposedly for tomorrow based on the forecast. Cold. NO frost but seems a bit unseasonable to be sure. The forecast for the weekend is a high of 7 C on Saturday. so cold... Will break out the winter jacket again for the weekend.

*Interestingly the Czech word for ice cream is: zmrzlína, brrrr

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