Friday, April 30, 2010

Pálení Čarodějnice - Witch Burning

April 30 is ‘Pálení Čarodějnice’(The Burning of the Witches) in the Czech Republic, the day when winter is ceremonially brought to an end. How? By the burning of rag and straw witches on bonfires around this country. The festival offers Czechs the chance to eat, drink and be merry around a huge roaring fire, and for the children and some adults, there’s even the chance to dress up as witches, like as in, the US version of Halloween.

So this event officially brings Winter to an end. Phew, glad of that!

This is the professionally done video of last years event(hope it works). As you can see it is suppose to be a fun event for children and adults alike, where all the kids and many adults dress up as witches to chase the Winter away.

It is based on the old custom of lighting fires on the night before 1 May. In the past, the night was surrounded by magic and wizardry and by belief in the special abilities of witches. People believed that evil spirits are stronger than normal on that night, so they performed rites and customs in order to ward off witches and weaken their power. So they thought that if they made something that looked like a witch and burned it, they could finally get rid of the cold weather.

There is a large "witch" gathering/festival in Ladronka park, in Prague 6 not far from me here in Smichov to celebrate this cultural happening. At Ladronka there will be live music, a crowning of “Miss Witch” and the traditional bonfire with a record attempt to burn the largest number of broom sticks and of course much to do for the children. This event/festival is held there every year but also in many other parks in Prague and also in almost every town in the Czech Republic. It is a big deal and I am looking forward to seeing it. Of course, all for fun and it is especially put together for families and young people.

I will write more this evening upon my return from the "Witch burnings."

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