Monday, April 5, 2010

Velikonoční nádivka

Nádivka is a traditional dish served at Easter. Not unlike a bread pudding, but much more dense, and made with smoked meats, parsley, and young spring nettles(if the old recipe is followed). The classic Czech recipe follows:


* 10 rohlíků, nakrájených nadrobno - rolls, torn into pieces
* 7 vajec - eggs
* 200 ml polotučného mléka - milk
* sůl - salt
* pepř - pepper
* muškátový oříšek - nutmeg
* 350 g uzeného bůčku - smoked meat
* 1–2 lžíce sádla - bacon
* 1–2 hrsti mladých kopřiv, - nettle
nasekaných(diced) a(nd) propláchnutých (rinsed)
* 1 lžíce pažitky, nasekané - chive, diced
* 1 lžíce petrželky, nasekané - parsley, diced
* ½ lžičky prášku do pečiva - baking powder
* 1 větší lžíce másla - butter

I actually had some the other evening, as you can see above,(with Potato salad) and also stopped the next day at a specialty shop, similar to a deli, and bought a couple pieces to take back to the apartment. It was different and tasty but one could not taste the nettles. ;-)

Traditionally nettles were used, since they were the first green plants to pop out in the Spring and being rich in vitamins, nutrients, they were used for that purpose, since after winter, the body craved something green.

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