Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Beginning is Always Today

The Beginning is Always Today. - Mary Wallstonecraft

Continuing to continue... the clock continues to tick down to departure. There seems to be more and more to do as THE day approaches. Having to have ONE more thing notarized. Finding out that ONE more thing needs to be Apostilled. Will I get it back before I leave?

Did you know that to send a box of books to Prague by UPS would cost $285; Fed Ex quoted a similar price. But the US Post Office charged only $38. They said it will get there in 10 days. I will hope that the mail gods allow it. I feel confident it will arrive well after I do.

I have a friend who has still not received a mailer that I sent on 15 April. 10 days? Well, hope springs eternal. And I am intrigued by the mysteries of the postal universe.

10 days to go until my arrival.

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