Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Czech Culture - #1 - Name Days

The Czech People have an interesting tradition. Every person has 2 days of personal recognition each year; their Birthday and their Name day. Each day 0f the year has a name assigned to it. Originally, these names were of saints in the Roman Catholic Church, but in more recent history this has become highly flexible with other names being added. The day that corresponds to an individual's name, is that person's Name day.

For instance, today, 21 May... individuals with the name Monika celebrate their name day.
...tak, dneska, štást'ný svátek k velmi zajímavé a hodné ženě od Březnicy; a samozřejme formálně pro tebe m, ja přeju tí všechno nejlepší k svátku. +5 zde

1 comment:

Ellen Jensen said...

Hi Scott. The weather isn't any better in Rochester. We had a high of 50 today. The senior PGA golfers aren't too happy about that. Ellen's daughters both finished their first marathon in Maryland last weekend.
Your updates age very interesting. Keep them coming.
Larry & Ellen