Today, as yesterday, I continue to work on issues related to staying here.
Jobs: I have another interview tomorrow, teaching business English to an interviewer; something I have never done, so today will be spent preparing. I have been applying on line as well, for positions in Prague through employment agencies related to finance positions, as a back-up plan. I applied to two yesterday. I look will continue looking at both teaching initiatives and other types of positions.
Visa: Met with an advocate yesterday ( CZ term for attorney ) about what is needed from an accommodation standpoint for getting my visa. She said that I must have my own place, that I can not sublet from another person and that I must have a viable contract with the owner of the property I rent AND that the owner must be listed as the owner in the City's property register here in Prague. So this is different from everything to date I have been told. SO, I need to find and secure new living quarters this month.
All my visa related documents must be translated into Czech, so I am securing a certified
translator for this and will work to get one by weeks end. It is a captive market so this in itself is a costly adventure.
Health: of course everyone walks here in Prague; to everywhere. I walk easily 15 miles a day, just getting from place to place, and that is after taking the Metro. It is a 2 mile walk up hill just to this new apartment from the Metro. I have lost 10 pounds and feel great.
Well, it is a cool morning here in Prague. A cloudless sky. The sun just came up and I can hear neighborhood cars starting up and people beginning to move out and about. It will be another hot one today. I will begin my day with sit-ups, yogurt and then will begin studying. +48
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